The way this scene cuts to the reactions of the two characters in the room is, in my opinion, perfect. Most of the time Ralph Fiennes is speaking, it is focused on him, however the audience responds to the scene perfectly due to the masterful way that as soon as you expect a character to react to the brash English attitude, it cuts to them. In terms of framing and indeed the colour palette, it sets an incredibly uneasy tone which is faithful to the themes displayed in the film, in this case, revenge, loyalty and personalities ground down by circumstance. Below is a single frame from the clip, demonstrating the cold, harsh colour which could be an interesting challenge to achieve through lighting and colour correction:
Unlike the first clip I have chosen, this may appear to be subdued in terms of actual post production, but it is ultimately what you do not see upon a first viewing which is most effective, which is why I believe this clip would be a very interesting and more subtle challenge to replicate.
I also noticed that Fiennes is always sharply in focus and the other characters are sometimes completely blurred out in the foreground in front of him - as if they're just there to frame him.