Sunday, 6 October 2013

Documenting My Production Practice

Hello There
My name is Ben Kersey and I am a second year film student studying at Falmouth University, Cornwall. For this semester I am taking the module 'Editing and Post Production'; part of this module is providing a production portfolio of the task in hand which is essentially recreating a scene from a film. a shot for shot representation of a visually striking, craftily edited piece of cinema. And so, from today, many a post will show up on here describing in detail how me, and indeed others taking the same module, will choose a short clip, deconstruct and analyse it, decide how we can feasibly represent the visuals of each shot, plan and film these shots, edit them together (which includes any visual/special effects work which needs to be composited) and finally how we inevitably sit back and smile gleefully at our finished product, with champagne and high fives all round. 

If anyone is wondering about the meaning of the title, it is a combination of my favourite director Danny Boyle's first film Shallow Grave, and just the word 'Title', because what better way to represent a title with the word itself. Maybe. I don't know I may change it, so it fits in more with the task at hand but for now, lets see how it pans out.

"I'm not scared! I'm a little terrified maybe" Alex Law, Shallow Grave

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