Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Incorporating Animation Into Raw Footage - The Lightening Bolts

The way that Scott Pilgrim blends animation with live action gives off a sense of speed and chaos, in conjunction with the scene which involves a band opening a fast paced and erratic song. To replicate this I did a quick test using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Premiere Pro. First I created a similar lightening bolt to the ones used in Scott Pilgrim with a simple white box and the lasso tool:

Next I duplicated the layer, synched it so it was slightly to the left, and turned down the opacity. A further lightening bolt layer to which I applied a motion blur:

I then imported the image into Premiere, put four of the same image into the timeline, and adjusted sizes accordingly so the bolt would grow bigger and smaller again. Repeatedly copying and pasting the frames created this ten second test clip:

Using the multiply tool in Premiere and key framing the video to match the raw footage, adding some colour synch to replicate the borders of the original lightening bolt will hopefully make for a satisfying replication of the animation on the original Scott Pilgrim opening credits. 

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